Awaken, Illuminate & Embody:
The Luminous Mandala HeART Process [IN-PERSON]
Transmuting heartbreak into ART-filled prayers
Date: Saturday, February 22 2025
Time: 11:33am -3:33pm Where: Private Home in Marin County A BENEFIT for the World Central Kitchen (WCK)
WCK is first to the frontlines, providing meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises. (They are organizing responses in LA and in Gaza …!) 💜💜💜 In Person Mandala Workshop
We will be creating a luminous mandala love letter to our hearts for ourselves and the WORLD. Unleash your Creativity & Manifest Sacred Mandala Art … We will be embodying our personal and collective exploration of de-Light! Our workshops will include: simple energetic movement (think “qigong”), ritual, sound healing, CompassionKey©, iRest©,and optional writing; all incorporated in the process of creating your mandala love letter to your heart. Mandala means "Sacred Circle" in Sanskrit. In Hebrew (my ancestors language), the word for these is “Maagaala”. Sacred circle art is present in many world cultures and of course, in Nature’s amazing geometry. You will receive and allow your own unique luminous mandala vision to manifest. Your heArt’s beauty will be reflected back to you on paper and through the “living mandala” of our human circle, the group.
✨Note: Prior Art Making Not Necessary - Only Open Heartedness! ✨Participants are often surprised and delighted with their creations. I WILL HAVE ALL MATERIALS NEEDED ON SITE. Materials Fees will be $6-30, depending on what you want to use (and of course you take your supplies home with you after). Be willing to amaze yourself with your own creative potential! |
In-Person Class $88-108 |