"Everything I see, hear, touch, feel, taste, speak, think, imagine,
Is completing a perfect circle God has drawn" ~ Meister Eckhart
My work utilizes art as a healing modality. Combining sacred intention with creativity and action, we can deepen and heal our relationships with our communities, the Earth, and ourselves.
A circle symbolizes the entire cosmos. It is a sacred container for Creativity. All life on Earth begins in a circular container. A tree evolves from a seed. A bird hatches from an egg, within a circular nest. A baby gestates in a womb. Cross-culturally, many creation stories describe the Universe originating within a cosmic egg. Mandala means sacred circle in Sanskrit. Mandalas are visionary tools for meditation in many cultures including Hindu, Buddhist, Navajo, and Huichol. Psychologically, circles provide a supportive space for transformation and individuation. They represent healing and wholeness.
I create mandalas through a visionary process, which combines meditation, prayer, and sacred sounds. Visualizing does not come naturally to me. Usually, I first receive energetic impressions during both sitting and moving meditations (which include hiking, dance, chanting, qigong, creating labyrinths, walking labyrinths, and swimming with dolphins). These sensations are translated into emotions, then visual images, and later psychological meaning.
A circle symbolizes the entire cosmos. It is a sacred container for Creativity. All life on Earth begins in a circular container. A tree evolves from a seed. A bird hatches from an egg, within a circular nest. A baby gestates in a womb. Cross-culturally, many creation stories describe the Universe originating within a cosmic egg. Mandala means sacred circle in Sanskrit. Mandalas are visionary tools for meditation in many cultures including Hindu, Buddhist, Navajo, and Huichol. Psychologically, circles provide a supportive space for transformation and individuation. They represent healing and wholeness.
I create mandalas through a visionary process, which combines meditation, prayer, and sacred sounds. Visualizing does not come naturally to me. Usually, I first receive energetic impressions during both sitting and moving meditations (which include hiking, dance, chanting, qigong, creating labyrinths, walking labyrinths, and swimming with dolphins). These sensations are translated into emotions, then visual images, and later psychological meaning.
Mandalas are vehicles for journeying to the center of one’s being. Bridging individual and collective consciousness, they invite participants to rest in the core of their own hearts and, simultaneously, in the heart of the world. I use black charcoal paper and white pencils. The black vast open space evokes the divine feminine, already pregnant with endless possibilities. The white pencil is the light of Consciousness desiring to see and be seen. Just drawing the circle on the paper inspires a feeling of relaxation. Now I have a place to rest: a nest for the mystery of my soul to reveal Itself. Mandalas are tools for awakening into this present moment; step by step, one pencil stroke at a time, we directly touch here-and-now.
In February 1996, I made my first of many pilgrimages to the Big Island of Hawaii, fulfilling a lifetime desire to swim with wild dolphins. The very first day, I had a mystical experience, which altered my orientation to art and life. A spontaneous shamanic death and resurrection occurred, opening a visionary channel in which I received detailed, luminous mandala images. Receiving the mandalas shape-shifted my artwork into deeper dimensions of healing and spiritual practice.
Each mandala has been a gift of Grace in my life. They reflect a marriage of our divine and human natures. For me, each mandala is an invitation to perceive and reveal the Light that is inherent in all Life. Experiencing and expressing this Light is more important to me than the image itself.
It is my deepest joy to invite others to experience their own luminous divinity through private counseling, retreats, classes, and publishing my visionary art mandala paintings. More information about my work can be found at www.mandalaweaver.com, or by calling Art & Soul at 415-455-5989.
For Julia's Bio, click here.
In February 1996, I made my first of many pilgrimages to the Big Island of Hawaii, fulfilling a lifetime desire to swim with wild dolphins. The very first day, I had a mystical experience, which altered my orientation to art and life. A spontaneous shamanic death and resurrection occurred, opening a visionary channel in which I received detailed, luminous mandala images. Receiving the mandalas shape-shifted my artwork into deeper dimensions of healing and spiritual practice.
Each mandala has been a gift of Grace in my life. They reflect a marriage of our divine and human natures. For me, each mandala is an invitation to perceive and reveal the Light that is inherent in all Life. Experiencing and expressing this Light is more important to me than the image itself.
It is my deepest joy to invite others to experience their own luminous divinity through private counseling, retreats, classes, and publishing my visionary art mandala paintings. More information about my work can be found at www.mandalaweaver.com, or by calling Art & Soul at 415-455-5989.
For Julia's Bio, click here.
As you gaze at each mandala, take a few deep breaths, and let your eyes relax.
See with your heart, and listen for inner guidance.
Gently open to your own your own luminous Divinity.
See with your heart, and listen for inner guidance.
Gently open to your own your own luminous Divinity.