- Awaken, Illuminate & Embody: The Luminous Mandala HeART Process [IN-PERSON]
Awaken, Illuminate & Embody: The Luminous Mandala HeART Process [IN-PERSON]
Date: Saturday, February 17
Time: 12:30pm - 3:30pm PDT
Where: Private Home in Marin County
A BENEFIT for the World Central Kitchen | https://wck.org
WCK is first to the frontlines, providing meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises.
Discover and free your inner heARTist.
Simple energetic movement, (think “qigong”), ritual, writing, singing, iRest, and other sound practices will be incorporated in the process for unlocking and embodying our personal and collective exploration of de-Light!
Mandala means "Sacred Circle" in Sanskrit
You will receive and allow your own unique luminous mandala vision to manifest. Your heArt’s beauty will be reflected back to you on paper and through the “living mandala” of our human circle, the group.
- Unleash Your Creativity & Manifest Sacred Mandala Art
- Create and reinforce new neural connections to support expanded creativity.
- Amplify and increase the vibration of light within your cells. (Research: Biophotonic Resonance)
- Feel your own Radiance as a Living Mandala in and inseparable from Nature!
- Allow challenging sensations, emotions or beliefs to be embraced.
- Rest in and as our Non-dual wHoly Selves!
- Experience and express the light and beauty inherent in yourself and all of life
- Embrace, Celebrate & Heal Our Personal, Interpersonal & Global Relationships.
✨Note: Prior Art Making Not Necessary 💚 Only Open Heartedness!
✨Participants are often surprised and delighted with their creations.
In this introductory workshop, we will explore strong, soft and subtle white light transmissions on dark paper.
**Limited to an intimate group of 16 ** (8 online & 8 in person)
You will need to pre-purchase your materials before the workshop or
We can also provide your art materials for a materials fee of $15 paid on the day of the workshop.
(Approximate cost: $10 - $15 depending on where you purchase)
We recommend purchasing at https://www.dickblick.com.
A Materials list and links will be provided once you register!