“One does not become enlightened by looking at the light, but by instead making the darkness conscious.” ~ C.G. Jung
Dear Hearts,
I want to share the blessings of a simple, profound and ancient process called iRest (Integrative Restoration ~ Yoga Nidra), for gently shifting our nervous systems from stress to ease. I have been practicing and refining my approach to iRest for over 20 years while weaving together other tools for self and co-regulation, which facilitate greater emotional balance and physical health.
I am currently offering iRest (Integrative Restoration ~ Yoga Nidra) sessions via phone or Zoom at a deeply discounted price to my friends and community as a love offering. I invite you to discover that your body, mind and spirit can rest in well-being.
Read on for more info ...
iRest (Integrative Restoration) is inspired by the 4500 year old tradition of Yoga Nidra (from the Upanishads). iRest invites us to rest in Love and be present to Life itself and whomever we are with.
Dear Hearts,
I want to share the blessings of a simple, profound and ancient process called iRest (Integrative Restoration ~ Yoga Nidra), for gently shifting our nervous systems from stress to ease. I have been practicing and refining my approach to iRest for over 20 years while weaving together other tools for self and co-regulation, which facilitate greater emotional balance and physical health.
I am currently offering iRest (Integrative Restoration ~ Yoga Nidra) sessions via phone or Zoom at a deeply discounted price to my friends and community as a love offering. I invite you to discover that your body, mind and spirit can rest in well-being.
Read on for more info ...
iRest (Integrative Restoration) is inspired by the 4500 year old tradition of Yoga Nidra (from the Upanishads). iRest invites us to rest in Love and be present to Life itself and whomever we are with.
What is iRest?
iRest is an evidence based transformative practice of deep relaxation and meditative inquiry that calms the nervous system, and develops an inner sanctuary of well-being and equanimity that underlies all circumstance you may encounter in your life.
Research has shown iRest effectively reduces PTSD, depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, and chemical dependency, as well as increases well-being. It is an adjunctive treatment that has been integrated into veteran settings, homeless shelters, clinics, and healing and meditation centers, where healthcare professionals are integrating iRest to facilitate their own and their clients' healing
and well-being.
More about iRest HERE
* I began practicing iRest in 2001, and began my formal training in 2009. I am a Level 2 Instructor. iRest (Integrative Restoration ~ Yoga Nidra) effortless invites deep relaxation, rest and renewal. It also provides a container for balancing polarities in body, mind or emotion. I will gently guide you through a journey which will enhance body and breath sensitivity, increasing the capacity of all sensory organs. You will receive tools you can incorporate in daily life or other meditative or yoga practices. Our session will be a combination of "guiding" and "following" as a co-meditation. In either scenario, you are always in charge of what feels appropriate for your participation.
If you would like additional sessions with me or want to refer me to friends or colleagues, my fees are normally $144-188 per hour. First session may be up to 2 hours, which we can prorate. Other fee arrangements may also be possible - reach out to me with any questions.
iRest is an evidence based transformative practice of deep relaxation and meditative inquiry that calms the nervous system, and develops an inner sanctuary of well-being and equanimity that underlies all circumstance you may encounter in your life.
Research has shown iRest effectively reduces PTSD, depression, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, and chemical dependency, as well as increases well-being. It is an adjunctive treatment that has been integrated into veteran settings, homeless shelters, clinics, and healing and meditation centers, where healthcare professionals are integrating iRest to facilitate their own and their clients' healing
and well-being.
More about iRest HERE
* I began practicing iRest in 2001, and began my formal training in 2009. I am a Level 2 Instructor. iRest (Integrative Restoration ~ Yoga Nidra) effortless invites deep relaxation, rest and renewal. It also provides a container for balancing polarities in body, mind or emotion. I will gently guide you through a journey which will enhance body and breath sensitivity, increasing the capacity of all sensory organs. You will receive tools you can incorporate in daily life or other meditative or yoga practices. Our session will be a combination of "guiding" and "following" as a co-meditation. In either scenario, you are always in charge of what feels appropriate for your participation.
If you would like additional sessions with me or want to refer me to friends or colleagues, my fees are normally $144-188 per hour. First session may be up to 2 hours, which we can prorate. Other fee arrangements may also be possible - reach out to me with any questions.
My testimony:
For 40 years, I have found that anxiety, depression, PTSD and self-limiting beliefs can relax when we access our own body-centered resources and self trust. The "way out" is through our felt experience.
Everything I offer has come through my own lived experience.
I have been a licensed psychotherapist since 1992. In addition to iRest, I have over 30 years of somatic / spiritual psychotherapy training, which includes: EMDR, Gestalt, Diamond Logos, Integrative Body Psychotherapy, Voice Dialogue, Jungian Sandplay, Psycho-synthesis, Neo-Reichian practices, Grof Breathwork, Continuum Movement Meditation, and Focusing and Sensory Awareness, along with Soul Motion, 5 Rhythms and other freestyle ecstatic dance methods. I have been incorporating spiritual practices from Buddhism, Vedanta, Shamanic & Sufi traditions, along with Sensory Awareness for 35 years. I love being able to share these vehicles with you.
… iRest provides a truly holistic container for any of these other modalities to arise, as appropriate.
I have consistently found that my own body/ mind rests in well-being during iRest sessions, even on days when the Epstein Barr virus or Lyme disease (which had previously incapacitated me) was challenging my brain or causing me a lot of fatigue. Or when orthopedic nerve pain or allergies are flaring. iRest reminds me that I can choose what to make the foreground of my attention.
So that is my testimony.
Other Testimonies
"Combining her deep compassion and knowledge about many integrative healing modalities, Julia Weaver supports those that cross her path with presence and integrity. Whether you want to express yourself through art making mandalas, or become more resourced by unifying your polarities through iRest, Julia will guide you with clarity and care".
~ Jeannine Walston, President, Healing Focus
"I have had several iRest sessions with Julia and they have all been wonderful. Each time I have been able to journey to places of self-discovery I hadn't been to before. She is a skillful practitioner who knows when to assist and when to step back. I highly recommend her iRest sessions for those who have a desire to make change in their lives."
~ Andy Rader LAc, MS, Qi Awareness
"When it comes to giving quality attention, Julia is a gem! And I think that’s one of the secrets of her success. I’ve known her for about 15 years, attending many of her delightful and transformative mandala workshops, including hosting one in NYC. My recent iRest sessions with her were equally rich. I was surprised by how rapidly (within minutes) the iRest process, under Julia’s gentle guidance, took me to an unexpectedly deep place. Because we no longer live near each other, my sessions were over the phone. It was easy to make myself comfortable on my bed and use a speaker-phone so I could fully relax. Her soothing and affirming presence made me feel instantly open. Like a mirror (and sometimes using visualizations), she helped me reflect on and feel/acknowledge whatever emotions or states of mind were surfacing. Then I let them pass on by. More importantly, she kept bringing me back to that sense of calm, love, and radiance that is at the core of who we really are. The sessions brought freshness, joy, and new creative energy, plus a great reminder to tap in to my own resources -no matter what’s going on in my life."
~ Swaha Devi - writer and artist/photographer
"Dear Julia, One part of my session with you was particularly helpful and I can see that it has created a subtle shift in my energy. At one point, we got back to a situation I was in as a little girl, around 2 years old. I had been exposed to polio while staying with a cousin and had to be quarantined at the back of my house for 2 weeks. I didn't really understand what all this was about, but found in this session, that I believed that I was basically bad for people and that I would/could hurt them if I got too close... and, ultimately because of this, I was bad. I suspect my older brothers verbalized this to me, as well. Feeling like I'm bad, deep inside, has been a life long theme for which I've never really found a satisfactory root. I believe this dynamic in my early childhood is where it came from.You helped me find peace with this when my true being, in the form of an adult self, was able to sit with me in that back bedroom and hold me and laugh at my brothers when they would say I had been bad. In that connection I was/am able to find a peace where nothing is wrong with me, all is well within. Thank you, Julia. Your presence was perfect ... not too much and not too little."
"iRest was a powerful and gentle process for me. I felt more integration with who I am and what I care about. Julia's voice and skills are both soothing and wise - that allowed an expansive and clarifying experience for me."
~ Karen Fitzgerald, Psychotherapist
"What is 'resting in well-being'? Well I got to find out for myself. Hands on, no tricks or impositions, I dove into the core of myself to experience well-being. With the kind heart and wisdom of Julia, she invited me to find and experience that eternal
place that is always there for me no matter what. Yes, really, no matter what! I have an image, I have a sensation, I have an experience that is solely mine and only mine for the keeping and for me to rest there and live there because I now know that it's real.
Thank you, Julia. You are a Godsend. Life, God, your gift, expressing magnificently through you to us."
~ Sarah Love Wilds
~ May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ~
For 40 years, I have found that anxiety, depression, PTSD and self-limiting beliefs can relax when we access our own body-centered resources and self trust. The "way out" is through our felt experience.
Everything I offer has come through my own lived experience.
I have been a licensed psychotherapist since 1992. In addition to iRest, I have over 30 years of somatic / spiritual psychotherapy training, which includes: EMDR, Gestalt, Diamond Logos, Integrative Body Psychotherapy, Voice Dialogue, Jungian Sandplay, Psycho-synthesis, Neo-Reichian practices, Grof Breathwork, Continuum Movement Meditation, and Focusing and Sensory Awareness, along with Soul Motion, 5 Rhythms and other freestyle ecstatic dance methods. I have been incorporating spiritual practices from Buddhism, Vedanta, Shamanic & Sufi traditions, along with Sensory Awareness for 35 years. I love being able to share these vehicles with you.
… iRest provides a truly holistic container for any of these other modalities to arise, as appropriate.
I have consistently found that my own body/ mind rests in well-being during iRest sessions, even on days when the Epstein Barr virus or Lyme disease (which had previously incapacitated me) was challenging my brain or causing me a lot of fatigue. Or when orthopedic nerve pain or allergies are flaring. iRest reminds me that I can choose what to make the foreground of my attention.
So that is my testimony.
Other Testimonies
"Combining her deep compassion and knowledge about many integrative healing modalities, Julia Weaver supports those that cross her path with presence and integrity. Whether you want to express yourself through art making mandalas, or become more resourced by unifying your polarities through iRest, Julia will guide you with clarity and care".
~ Jeannine Walston, President, Healing Focus
"I have had several iRest sessions with Julia and they have all been wonderful. Each time I have been able to journey to places of self-discovery I hadn't been to before. She is a skillful practitioner who knows when to assist and when to step back. I highly recommend her iRest sessions for those who have a desire to make change in their lives."
~ Andy Rader LAc, MS, Qi Awareness
"When it comes to giving quality attention, Julia is a gem! And I think that’s one of the secrets of her success. I’ve known her for about 15 years, attending many of her delightful and transformative mandala workshops, including hosting one in NYC. My recent iRest sessions with her were equally rich. I was surprised by how rapidly (within minutes) the iRest process, under Julia’s gentle guidance, took me to an unexpectedly deep place. Because we no longer live near each other, my sessions were over the phone. It was easy to make myself comfortable on my bed and use a speaker-phone so I could fully relax. Her soothing and affirming presence made me feel instantly open. Like a mirror (and sometimes using visualizations), she helped me reflect on and feel/acknowledge whatever emotions or states of mind were surfacing. Then I let them pass on by. More importantly, she kept bringing me back to that sense of calm, love, and radiance that is at the core of who we really are. The sessions brought freshness, joy, and new creative energy, plus a great reminder to tap in to my own resources -no matter what’s going on in my life."
~ Swaha Devi - writer and artist/photographer
"Dear Julia, One part of my session with you was particularly helpful and I can see that it has created a subtle shift in my energy. At one point, we got back to a situation I was in as a little girl, around 2 years old. I had been exposed to polio while staying with a cousin and had to be quarantined at the back of my house for 2 weeks. I didn't really understand what all this was about, but found in this session, that I believed that I was basically bad for people and that I would/could hurt them if I got too close... and, ultimately because of this, I was bad. I suspect my older brothers verbalized this to me, as well. Feeling like I'm bad, deep inside, has been a life long theme for which I've never really found a satisfactory root. I believe this dynamic in my early childhood is where it came from.You helped me find peace with this when my true being, in the form of an adult self, was able to sit with me in that back bedroom and hold me and laugh at my brothers when they would say I had been bad. In that connection I was/am able to find a peace where nothing is wrong with me, all is well within. Thank you, Julia. Your presence was perfect ... not too much and not too little."
"iRest was a powerful and gentle process for me. I felt more integration with who I am and what I care about. Julia's voice and skills are both soothing and wise - that allowed an expansive and clarifying experience for me."
~ Karen Fitzgerald, Psychotherapist
"What is 'resting in well-being'? Well I got to find out for myself. Hands on, no tricks or impositions, I dove into the core of myself to experience well-being. With the kind heart and wisdom of Julia, she invited me to find and experience that eternal
place that is always there for me no matter what. Yes, really, no matter what! I have an image, I have a sensation, I have an experience that is solely mine and only mine for the keeping and for me to rest there and live there because I now know that it's real.
Thank you, Julia. You are a Godsend. Life, God, your gift, expressing magnificently through you to us."
~ Sarah Love Wilds
~ May you be safe, may you be happy, may you be healthy, may you live with ease. ~